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FIRST PRIZE      $10,000

All entries in all sections eligible for the overall prize, open to all Australian Residents

MAXIMUM two pieces of work can be entered per section.

SECTION 1: Easel Works

Oil, acrylic, mixed media, collage or other medium on a non paper based support e.g canvas or board  to be displayed on an easel or wall, framed and ready to hang.  

2D fibre works will be accepted into this section.


SECTION 2: Works on Paper   

Watercolour, pastel, drawing or any medium on a paper based support, framed and ready to hang. 

Digital Drawings printed on paper will be accepted in this section


SECTION 3: Photography and Video

Digital and film-based photography, Video and Video Animation

maximum video length 5 minutes

SECTION 4: 3D Work  

Sculpture, ceramics, assemblage – any medium or technique

3D fibre work and textiles will be accepted into this section.

Prize Money


$10,000 First Prize 

All entries will be eligable for the overall First Prize and each section prize


Young Emerging Artist*  $1,000

*The emerging artist award will be given to an work in any section by an artist who is under 26 as at 31st December 2024 (see terms and conditions for further details)


SECTION 1: Easel Works 

First Prize $2,000

Second Prize $1,000

Highly Commended $500



SECTION 3: Photography and Video

First Prize $1,000

Second Prize $500


SECTION 2: Works on Paper   

First Prize $2,000

Second Prize $1,000

Highly Commended $500


SECTION 4: 3D Work  

First Prize $2,000

Second Prize $500

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